No responsibility is assumed by Mariluz Kersey Wellness, or contributors should the information be used in place of a licensed medical practitioner. There is no guarantee of any kind made for the performance or effectiveness of the preparations, suggestions, meal suggestions, or methods mentioned on this website.
This information is to be used for educational purposes. The information in this website has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration.
I am a Certified Health Coach, certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. I am also trained in acupuncture, aromatherapy, reflexology, herbs, and other natural modalities. I am a Certified Assertiveness Coach trained by Doreen Virtue of Hay House. I received my training from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York, where I studied over 100 dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative coaching methods with some of the world's top health and wellness experts, including Dr. Andrew Weill, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. David Katz, Dr. Walkter Willet. Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Alexandrow Juner, Dr. John Douillard, Dr. Liz Lipski, Dr. Josh Axe, Donna Gates, and many other leading authorities.
I am not a medical doctor, dietician, or nutritionist. I do not hold a degree in medicine, dietetics, or nutrition.
I provide a newsletter. Emails collected are placed on a list/databank. I do not track, share, sell, etc. the names on my list. The information is secured through Mad Mimi in whatever way they secure their processes. I do not store information on my website(s).
I am an affiliate of the business mentioned on this website/blog. If someone clicks on the banner and purchases an item, I receive a small amount of compensation for the purchase. The compensation helps to pay for the internet services I use (newsletter, domain name, etc.)
Mariluz Kersey Wellness does not diagnose or prescribe.
Terms to be updated as I learn how to do it. Thank you for your patience.
If you do not agree with the terms please do not use the website.